Enrolment Information
Thank you for considering enrolling your child at Coomandook Area School.
Please feel welcome to contact the school and make an appointment to meet with the Principal, at a convenient time. Student needs can be discussed during this meeting and you will also be assisted with Uniform requirements.
Students may start attending Coomandook Area School once the enrolment forms have been completed and an enrolment meeting is conducted.
Bypass Information
Students who reside outside of the school's catchment area and wish to access a Department bus to Coomandook Area School can apply for a Bus Bypass. A bypass can only be applied for if there is room on the requested school bus route. Where a Bypass is not approved, parents/ caregivers may still choose to access their nominated school, but should be aware that transportation responsibilities lies with the parent/ caregiver.
We look forward to meeting you and your child/ren.