Volunteering at School is very rewarding and research shows that kids do better when parents/carers are involved at their School. You can be involved with one thing, or as many as you like, as often as you like.
Governing Council Member for a 1 or 2 year term.
Parent/Carer Representative on Sub-Committees:
Standing Committees (meeting at least once a term)
- Finance
- Assets and Grounds (includes kitchen garden)
- Wellbeing
Other Committees (meeting on a needs basis)
- Bus
- Pedal Prix
- Uniform
- Library
- Parents and Friends Group, which supports the school with events and fundraising
Other ways you can volunteer at school include;
- Support in Junior School Classes, including listening to reading, computing supervision, activity supervision etc.
- Kitchen class helper
- Garden class helper and assist with garden enterprise
- Assist with music lessons, performing arts, costuming etc.
- Attend camps and excursions as a supervisor or provide transport for students
- Sports Day Chaperones and Timers
- Swimming Carnival Timers
- Support the SRC with events and fundraising
- Attend assemblies, school concerts, open days and information sessions at the School
- Attend working bees
- Get involved in out of hours extra curricula activities like Pedal Prix and Goat Club
- Assist with feeding stock, animals and watering in the school holidays
Police checks for volunteering are required for some activities and forms are available at the front office.
Please contact the school for any information or clarification, speak to class teachers and keep your eyes open for volunteer requests in the newsletter.